Boston Celtics, Atlanta Hawks, Memphis Grizzlies, New Jersey Nets, Minnesota Timberwolves, Jacksonville Jaguars, Green Bay Packers, Denver Broncos....These guys all do their speed, agility, quickness, and plyo's in the pool with these shoes on to add some resistance but also give them some good grip on the pool floor.

AQx Aquatic Training Shoes

The AQx Aquatic Training Shoe "ATS" is great for general fitness, cross-training, deep water running, rehab and recovery. Added resistance is 2-3 times depending on your velocity. Designed for both deep and shallow water training. The AQx "Intelligent Training" Program is being adopted by World Class Athletes around the World.

These unique shoes have resistant fins that allow your feet to move forward regularly but provide resistance when you move your feet backward, creating an aquatic running environment like no other.

BONUS: Includes the AQx Sports "Intelligent Training" DVD and mesh storage bag.

AQx Aquatic Shoes
Men's Navy
AQx Aquatic Training Shoes
Code:  AQXM


Most sizes available.
Shoes are meant to be a snug fit, so if you are half size, we recommend you round DOWN.

Aquatic Training Shoe Benefits

AQx Intelligent Training Exercises

Shallow Water :  Hi-Knee Runs, Jump Splits, Carioca, Ski Bumps

Deep Water (using a buoyancy device):  Cross Country Running, Cross Country Skiing

Aquatic Training Shoe Features

How Best to Utilize the Power of AQx Shoes For Deep Water Running

Please keep in mind, when ordering, that since your foot doesn't need to "flatten out" to absorb force in the water, our shoes should fit more like a racing flat or spike. We want to make sure that the shoe fits you properly and gives you the feel that we want you to enjoy.

1. Please try to find an adequate amount of buoyancy. You may check this by finding where your chin is relative to the water (it should be approx. 1-4" above the water). This is an important aspect of providing a comfortable posture that enhances your ability to run in an "open gait" pattern that will allow you to run with the right range of motion.

2. Maintain a slight forward lean at your hips and pretend that you are running fairly fast up a slight incline. If you sit too far back on your hips, your overall stride pattern will be very limited. In fact, it is likely that you will look and feel more like you are "stair-stepping" or riding a bike.

3. Arms should be like they are on land (in general). Although, it is likely that you may want to use them slightly more vigorously than on land.

4. Try to imagine pushing off of the bottom of the pool when your foot is under you. Generally, this requires a kind of "pawing" action that best mimics what you do on land.

5. You should feel a bit of a stretch at the hip when your leg is extended back toward the wall behind you. This feeling can act as a cue to your body to remember to keep your gait pattern open; not "overstriding" however.

6.In general, your gait pattern will look and feel a bit more like a "race pace" or interval type of range of motion. The great thing about this is that when you get out of the pool, your legs will actually feel like they accomplished the work instead of the more commonly reported "my arms got tired".

7. Lastly, the shoe was designed to give a subtle amount of resistance without over-shooting by providing too much drag, which could invite problems. Please keep in mind though, that over time this subtle amount will provide you with plenty of work. Furthermore, it is not unlike decreasing the mass of a racing shoe to allow for less work to be accomplished and thus a better performance; except that we are hitting this idea from the other end of the continuum. The shoe provides a bit more resistance, that either over time or done faster, will provide an excellent, more specific, type of workout.


"When introduced to the AQX WaterTraining Shoe I became a believer immediately. As a former professional baseball player, I am acutely aware of the demands we put on our body in an effort to stay in shape. Even as I've retired from baseball, the day to day wear and tear I put on my body to remain in condition has lead to both soreness and injury. Being in the water with these shoes, I was amazed at the quality of my workout without putting all the pounding on the legs. Right away I could see the many applications for all people in all walks of life.

I was so impressed with these shoes that I have become a partner in the company, and hope many others will see the benefits of the AQX Intelligent Training System."

Scott Brosius
Scott Brosius (AQx Managing Partner): Former New York Yankess World Series MVP & Gold Glove Winner

Hi Garry, Two World records in three weeks! On September 10 Lornah was injured and between the 10th and the 16th she only did water running, no running at all. On the 17th she broke the WR on the 10 Mile!

Thanks and regards, Pieter Langerhorst, October 2006


As an older runner, I've begun x-training more than when I was in my 20's or 30's and the AQX Water Running Shoes allow for the closest thing to "Real Running."

Coming back from injury they allow you to utilize water recovery in a whole new way; different from just swimming or using a water belt.

Run steady with AQX!
Best Wishes,
Bill Rodgers

FourTime Winner of the Boston and New York City Marathons
Won the Boston Marathon in US record: 2:09.55.  
Member of the 1976 US Olympic Team  
Owner of the Bill Rodgers Running Center, Boston MA


"The camp went very well and the shoes were very popular. They got a lot of use every day by a large number of kids and the feedback was all positive.

One of my staff members is a fellow coach and was a top runner in his day (13:33 for 3 miles) and he is rehabing after hernia surgery, and he loved them.

Another of my staff members runs track and field/Cross Country at Harvard (she's got a 15:42 5k PR) loved them and bought a pair from me so she could continue to use them in her training (her goal is to win NCAA's this year).

I'm very pleased to have had the AQx Shoes for the runners to use and benefit from. They were a great addition to our camp program."

Kevin Maloney
Director - Foss Running Camp
Head Cross Country/Track and Field Coach, Blackstone-Millville Regional HS (MA)
Previous National Cross Country Dual Meet Record Holder (265-0 Record)
Over 30 years experience as a cross country/track and field coach


"The AQX Deep Water Training Shoes helped get me back quickly into competitive race mode after my knee surgery back in March. AQX Sports has an innovative product that works. Just last week I raced competitively with great success and part of my training for this race, both in swimming and running, was spent using the AQX shoes. With what looks like a shoe with gills, the AQX shoes provide a perfect amount of resistance to fire the muscle groups I want to work. I would recommend them to anyone for effective training, rehab, and recovery."

Emilio De Soto II
De Soto Sport Triathlon Company


"After meeting with Dr. Killgore I am convinced that the ATS is a tool that athletes of all sports can benefit from. After our one-on-one session and carefully reviewing the DVD, I now understand the benefits the ATS shoe and Zero Gravity Suits can provide. The ATS and the exercises are great not only for athletes who are rehabbing an injury, but also for active recovery and high intensity workouts as well. This product is long over due!

Congratulations to Dr. Killgore for making it a reality."
Mike Ricci
USAT Level III Coach
Founder and Head Coach
D3 Multisport, Inc.


"I have been a professional runner since I graduated from Linfield College in 1996. During that time, I have suffered many running related and over use injuries. My main source of exercise while injured has been aqua jogging. I have tried everything from barefoot running, old training shoes to even basketball shoes.

Nothing comes close to the shoes that Dr. Killgore and AQX Sports developed. I am able to focus on keeping my land running gait pattern while getting my target heart rate up. The one thing that I can say about the deep water running shoes is that they make my time in the pool much more productive and I enjoy the experience of being in the pool a lot more now. Since my fourth Achilles tendon surgery I have been using the shoes and they will now be a part of my weekly training as I prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing."

Mike Miller


"As an elite college and professional miler (and former Run America Club Member), I have put thousands of miles on my feet. The type of training it takes to break the four minute mile is grueling. I have had my share of aches and pains. Those pains usually require stepping off the trails for a while and getting in the pool. I had to maintain my fitness, but I loathed pool workouts. The reason I disliked this type of cross training is that I had to work my body so much harder in the pool to reach my desired heart rate. When I did get my heart rate high enough, the running form in the pool never matched my running form on the road. It was impossible to get my pool running to feel like my real running. Impossible that is, until now. The AQx Deep Water Running Shoe has changed everything!"

Clay Schwabe

242nd American to break 4 minutes in the mile.
1000meter, 1500meter, and One Mile record holder at the United States Military Academy.
NCAA DI All American
IC4A Champion
Maine Distance Festival Champion
5 x Patriot League Champion and Record Holder at 1000 meters.